# Actors 4.6+

🚀 Quick Reference

The Actor model (opens new window) is a mathematical model of message-based computation that simplifies how multiple "entities" (or "actors") communicate with each other. Actors communicate by sending messages (events) to each other. An actor's local state is private, unless it wishes to share it with another actor, by sending it as an event.

When an actor receives an event, three things can happen:

  • A finite number of messages can be sent to other actors
  • A finite number of new actors can be created (or spawned)
  • The actor's local state may change (determined by its behavior)

State machines and statecharts work very well with the actor model, as they are event-based models of behavior and logic. Remember: when a state machine transitions due to an event, the next state contains:

  • The next value and context (an actor's local state)
  • The next actions to be executed (potentially newly spawned actors or messages sent to other actors)

Actors can be spawned or invoked. Spawned actors have two major differences from invoked actors:

  • They can be spawned at any time (via spawn(...) inside of an assign(...) action)
  • They can be stopped at any time (via a stop(...) action)

# Actor API

An actor (as implemented in XState) has an interface of:

  • An id property, which uniquely identifies the actor in the local system
  • A .send(...) method, which is used to send events to this actor
  • A .getSnapshot() method, which synchronously returns the actor's last emitted value.

They may have optional methods:

  • A .stop() method which stops the actor and performs any necessary cleanup
  • A .subscribe(...) method for actors that are Observable (opens new window).

All the existing invoked service patterns fit this interface:

  • Invoked promises are actors that ignore any received events and send at most one event back to the parent
  • Invoked callbacks are actors that can send events to the parent (first callback argument), receive events (second onReceive argument), and act on them
  • Invoked machines are actors that can send events to the parent (sendParent(...) action) or other actors it has references to (send(...) action), receive events, act on them (state transitions and actions), spawn new actors (spawn(...) function), and stop actors.
  • Invoked observables are actors whose emitted values represent events to be sent back to the parent.

What is an emitted value?

An actor's emitted value is the value that subscribers receive in the actor's .subscribe(...) method.

  • For services, the current state is emitted.
  • For promises, the resolved value (or undefined if unfulfilled) is emitted.
  • For observables, the latest emitted value is emitted.
  • For callbacks, nothing is emitted.

# Spawning Actors

Just as in Actor-model-based languages like Akka (opens new window) or Erlang (opens new window), actors are spawned and referenced in context (as the result of an assign(...) action).

  1. Import the spawn function from 'xstate'
  2. In an assign(...) action, create a new actor reference with spawn(...)

The spawn(...) function creates an actor reference by providing 1 or 2 arguments:

  • entity - the (reactive) value or machine that represents the behavior of the actor. Possible types for entity:
  • name (optional) - a string uniquely identifying the actor. This should be unique for all spawned actors and invoked services.

Alternatively spawn accepts an options object as the second argument which may contain the following options:

  • name (optional) - a string uniquely identifying the actor. This should be unique for all spawned actors and invoked services.
  • autoForward - (optional) true if all events sent to this machine should also be sent (or forwarded) to the invoked child (false by default)
  • sync - (optional) true if this machine should be automatically subscribed to the spawned child machine's state, the state can be retrieved from .getSnapshot() on the child machine ref


import { createMachine, spawn } from 'xstate';
import { todoMachine } from './todoMachine';

const todosMachine = createMachine({
  // ...
  on: {
    'NEW_TODO.ADD': {
      actions: assign({
        todos: (context, event) => [
            todo: event.todo,
            // add a new todoMachine actor with a unique name
            ref: spawn(todoMachine, `todo-${event.id}`)
    // ...

If you do not provide a name argument to spawn(...), a unique name will be automatically generated. This name will be nondeterministic ⚠️. A named actor is easier to be referenced in other API calls, see Sending Events to Actors.


Treat const actorRef = spawn(someMachine) as just a normal value in context. You can place this actorRef anywhere within context, based on your logic requirements. As long as it's within an assignment function in assign(...), it will be scoped to the service from where it was spawned.


Do not call spawn(...) outside of an assignment function. This will produce an orphaned actor (without a parent) which will have no effect.

// ❌ Never call spawn(...) externally
const someActorRef = spawn(someMachine);

// ❌ spawn(...) is not an action creator
  actions: spawn(someMachine);

// ❌ Do not assign spawn(...) outside of an assignment function
  actions: assign({
    // remember: this is called immediately, before a service starts
    someActorRef: spawn(someMachine)

// ✅ Assign spawn(...) inside an assignment function
  actions: assign({
    someActorRef: () => spawn(someMachine)

Different types of values can be spawned as actors.

# Sending Events to Actors

With the send() action, events can be sent to actors via a target expression:


const machine = createMachine({
  // ...
  states: {
    active: {
      entry: assign({
        someRef: () => spawn(someMachine)
      on: {
        SOME_EVENT: {
          // Use a target expression to send an event
          // to the actor reference
          actions: send({ type: 'PING' }, { to: (context) => context.someRef })


If you provide an unique name argument to spawn(...), you can reference it in the target expression:

const loginMachine = createMachine({
  // ...
  entry: assign({
    formRef: () => spawn(formMachine, 'form')
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        LOGIN: {
          actions: send({ type: 'SUBMIT' }, { to: 'form' })

# Stopping Actors

Actors are stopped using the stop(...) action creator:

const someMachine = createMachine({
  // ...
  entry: [
    // Stopping an actor by reference
    stop((context) => context.someActorRef),
    // Stopping an actor by ID

# Spawning Promises

Just like invoking promises, promises can be spawned as actors. The event sent back to the machine will be a 'xstate.done.actor.<ID>' action with the promise response as the data property in the payload:


// Returns a promise
const fetchData = (query) => {
  return fetch(`http://example.com?query=${query}`).then((data) => data.json());

// ...
  actions: assign({
    ref: (_, event) => spawn(fetchData(event.query))
// ...


It is not recommended to spawn promise actors, as invoking promises is a better pattern for this, since they are dependent on state (self-cancelling upon state change) and have more predictable behavior.

# Spawning Callbacks

Just like invoking callbacks, callbacks can be spawned as actors. This example models a counter-interval actor that increments its own count every second, but can also react to { type: 'INC' } events.


const counterInterval = (callback, receive) => {
  let count = 0;

  const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
    callback({ type: 'COUNT.UPDATE', count });
  }, 1000);

  receive(event => {
    if (event.type === 'INC') {

  return () => { clearInterval(intervalId); }

const machine = createMachine({
  // ...
    actions: assign({
      counterRef: () => spawn(counterInterval)
  // ...

Events can then be sent to the actor:


const machine = createMachine({
  // ...
  on: {
    'COUNTER.INC': {
      actions: send({ type: 'INC' }, { to: (context) => context.counterRef })
  // ...

# Spawning Observables

Just like invoking observables, observables can be spawned as actors:

import { interval } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

const createCounterObservable = (ms) => interval(ms)
  .pipe(map(count => ({ type: 'COUNT.UPDATE', count })))

const machine = createMachine({
  context: { ms: 1000 },
  // ...
    actions: assign({
      counterRef: ({ ms }) => spawn(createCounterObservable(ms))
  // ...
  on: {
    'COUNT.UPDATE': { /* ... */ }

# Spawning Machines

Machines are the most effective way to use actors, since they offer the most capabilities. Spawning machines is just like invoking machines, where a machine is passed into spawn(machine):




const remoteMachine = createMachine({
  id: 'remote',
  initial: 'offline',
  states: {
    offline: {
      on: {
        WAKE: 'online'
    online: {
      after: {
        1000: {
          actions: sendParent({ type: 'REMOTE.ONLINE' })

const parentMachine = createMachine({
  id: 'parent',
  initial: 'waiting',
  context: {
    localOne: null
  states: {
    waiting: {
      entry: assign({
        localOne: () => spawn(remoteMachine)
      on: {
        'LOCAL.WAKE': {
          actions: send({ type: 'WAKE' }, { to: (context) => context.localOne })
        'REMOTE.ONLINE': { target: 'connected' }
    connected: {}

const parentService = interpret(parentMachine)
  .onTransition((state) => console.log(state.value))

parentService.send({ type: 'LOCAL.WAKE' });
// => 'waiting'
// ... after 1000ms
// => 'connected'

# Syncing and Reading State 4.6.1+

One of the main tenets of the Actor model is that actor state is private and local - it is never shared unless the actor chooses to share it, via message passing. Sticking with this model, an actor can notify its parent whenever its state changes by sending it a special "update" event with its latest state. In other words, parent actors can subscribe to their child actors' states.

To do this, set { sync: true } as an option to spawn(...):


// ...
  actions: assign({
    // Actor will send update event to parent whenever its state changes
    someRef: () => spawn(todoMachine, { sync: true })
// ...

This will automatically subscribe the machine to the spawned child machine's state, which is kept updated and can be accessed via getSnapshot():

someService.onTransition((state) => {
  const { someRef } = state.context;

  // => State {
  //   value: ...,
  //   context: ...
  // }


By default, sync is set to false. Never read an actor's state from .getSnapshot() when sync is disabled; otherwise, you will end up referencing stale state.

# Sending Updates 4.7+

For actors that are not synchronized with the parent, the actor can send an explicit event to its parent machine via sendUpdate():

import { createMachine, sendUpdate } from 'xstate';

const childMachine = createMachine({
  // ...
  on: {
      actions: [
        // ...
        // Creates an action that sends an update event to parent


Prefer sending events to the parent explicitly (sendUpdate()) rather than subscribing to every state change. Syncing with spawned machines can result in "chatty" event logs, since every update from the child results in a new "xstate.update" event sent from the child to the parent.

# Quick Reference

Import spawn to spawn actors:

import { spawn } from 'xstate';

Spawn actors in assign action creators:

// ...
  actions: assign({
    someRef: (context, event) => spawn(someMachine)
// ...

Spawn different types of actors:

// ...
  actions: assign({
    // From a promise
    promiseRef: (context, event) =>
        new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          // ...

    // From a callback
    callbackRef: (context, event) =>
      spawn((callback, receive) => {
        // send to parent

        // receive from parent
        receive((event) => {
          // handle event

        // disposal
        return () => {
          /* do cleanup here */

    // From an observable
    observableRef: (context, event) => spawn(someEvent$),

    // From a machine
    machineRef: (context, event) =>
          // ...
// ...

Sync state with an actor:

// ...
  actions: assign({
    someRef: () => spawn(someMachine, { sync: true })
// ...

Getting a snapshot from an actor: 4.20.0+

service.onTransition((state) => {
  const { someRef } = state.context;

  // => State { ... }

Send event to actor with send action creator:

// ...
  actions: send(
    { type: 'SOME_EVENT' },
      to: (context) => context.someRef
// ...

Send event with data to actor using a send expression:

// ...
  actions: send((context, event) => ({ ...event, type: 'SOME_EVENT' }), {
    to: (context) => context.someRef
// ...

Send event from actor to parent with sendParent action creator:

// ...
  actions: sendParent({ type: 'ANOTHER_EVENT' });
// ...

Send event with data from actor to parent using a sendParent expression:

// ...
  actions: sendParent((context, event) => ({
    type: 'ANOTHER_EVENT'
// ...

Reference actors from context:

someService.onTransition((state) => {
  const { someRef } = state.context;

  // => { id: ..., send: ... }